Hey Folks!

Thanks for visiting - it’s nice to meet you!

Here you’ll find all sorts of info about my work with The Weevillanian Times. To cut a long story short, I work as a Creatures Correspondent for “The WT.” Sometimes that means writing articles and sometimes it means hopping on the web to share the news. I’m fairly new to the job so I am learning every day.

I’m currently looking for ideas for a creature so unimaginably interesting it could help me write my first Front Page story. I’m soooo close to getting my front page privileges and know that the right creature could get me there!

The mysterious creatures of Weevillania are so fascinating and interesting, I’m sure there is a creature waiting to be discovered that could grab the headlines!

If you have any ideas of a creature you’d like to know more about, head to my connect page and I’ll decide whether it’s headline worthy.

I’m pretty busy though. So make it a good one.

Anyway, have a nice time on my website!

Keep Asking Questions!